Program Penajaan Nasional (PPN) Program Penajaan Nasional (PPN) merupakan penajaan kepada 20 orang pelajar terbaik lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (S…
Program Khas Jepun, Korea, Perancis dan Jerman (JKPJ) Program Khas Jepun, Korea, Perancis dan Jerman (JKPJ) merupakan program penajaan Jabatan Perkhid…
Pelawaan Tawaran Biasiswa Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Mesir Sesi Akademik 2023/2024 The Ministry Of Higher Education EGYPT Scholarship 2023 / 2024 Su…
Scholarship details ACYLS is a merit-based scholarship program funded by the Chinese government, which will support ASEAN nationals, particularly youn…
Scholarship Info Applicants are invited to apply for the JPA-sponsored degree students to continue their studies at masters and doctoral degrees in va…
As for 2019, there is no offering for MIS due to some policy changes. Hence, the MIS application for 2020 intake is expected to be opened in early of …