Yayasan Peneraju Scholarship

Tenaga kerja berkemahiran tinggi terutamanya dalam bidang perakaunan bertauliah dijangka mendapat permintaan besar, kira-kira dua kali ganda bekalan semasa, mencerminkan semakin pentingnya profesion ini kepada negara. Malaysia memerlukan 60,000 akauntan profesional menjelang 2030. Dalam membantu Malaysia mencapai visi ini, Yayasan Peneraju memulakan inisiatif intervensi yang proaktif.
Sejak penubuhan pada tahun 2012, Yayasan Peneraju telah menawarkan pelbagai program pembiayaan bagi bidang perakaunan (pengajian secara sepenuh masa dan separuh masa) yang disesuaikan dengan tahap kemasukan calon dari lepasan SPM sehingga golongan profesional yang sedang dan tidak bekerja. Sasaran program-program ini adalah untuk menyokong akauntan profesional yang berpengalaman menerusi pensijilan asas perakaunan profesional seperti CFAB dan pensijilan perakaunan profesional seperti ACCA, CIMA, CPA Australia, ICAEW dan MICPA.
Peneraju Profesional Akauntan Muda Kategori A (ACCA FIA-ACCA)
Peneraju Profesional Akauntan Muda A (PPAM A) ACCA FIA-ACCA is a Yayasan Peneraju Sponsorship Programme which designed to provide financial assistance to SPM leavers to obtain Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) qualification.
1. Please ensure that you have read and accept the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 before filling out the Registration Form.
2. Only selected applicants will be contacted by our Program Partner. Hence, please completely fill in the information and provide all required documents. Incomplete information and / or documents will be automatically rejected.
3. Yayasan Peneraju and Program Partner reserve the right to automatically disqualify an application if any candidate proven to have falsify information or documents submitted.
4. Kindly be informed that you are ALLOWED to submit only ONE application. Applicant who submitted more than one application will have all their submissions rejected.
5. For further information and assistance, kindly contact Person In Charge from :
INTEC Education College – 03-8603 7077 / [email protected]
Pengajian Sepenuh Masa
Pembiayaan Penuh*
Kategori Pemohon
Lepasan SPM/O-Level | Pengambilan Julai
Institusi Pengajian
INTEC Education College, Sunway TES, TYMBA, UOW Malaysia KDU College
INTEC Education College
Sunway TES
UOW Malaysia KDU College
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan
18 Jun 2024
Peneraju Profesional Akauntan Muda Kategori A (ICAEW CFAB – ACA)
Peneraju Profesional Akauntan Muda A (PPAM A) ICAEW CFAB-ACA is a Yayasan Peneraju Sponsorship Programme which designed to provide financial assistance to SPM/O-Level leavers to obtain ACA qualification and be an ICAEW chartered accountant.
1. Please ensure that you have read and accept the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 before fill up the Registration Form.
2. Only selected applicants will be contacted by our Program Partner. Hence, please completely fill up the information and provide all required documents. Incomplete information and / or documents will be automatically rejected.
3. Yayasan Peneraju and Program Partner reserve the right to automatically disqualify an application if any candidate proven to have falsify information or documents submitted.
4. Kindly be informed that you are ALLOWED to submit only ONE application. Applicant who submitted more than one application will have all their submissions rejected.
5. For further information and assistance, kindly contact PIC from Sunway TES Miss Afiqah at 0182613779 / [email protected]
Pengajian Sepenuh Masa
Pembiayaan Penuh*
Kategori Pemohon
Lepasan SPM/O-Level | Pengambilan Julai
Institusi Pengajian
Sunway TES
Sunway Tes
CLOSE DATE : 18 JUN 2024